His Eyes are Upon You
Faith of a mustard seed and the mustard seed is pretty small but the tree is pretty big. So, if you have faith of the mustard seed you will have what you ask for. All it takes is faith.
Jesus, is watching you and his eyes are upon us. Go out and do something, it takes action to get his attention. It takes faith to please him. Help someone and something nice will happen to you. Go out and pray for somebody and be a blessing to someone.
Jesus, is passing by and go and touch the Hem of His Garment to be made Whole. Reach out in faith right where you are standing and say out loud, if I can only touch the hem of His garment I will be made whole. Jesus, will say, thy faith has made you whole. Go out and pray for someone else so they may be made whole. That is what Jesus, gives to us. To lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Oh Lord! You are so beautiful, when your eyes are on us, your grace abounds in me.
All it takes is faith and do not doubt in your heart, and you shall have what you ask for. He is the rewarder who dilligently, seeks thee. What can make me whole again, nothing but the blood of Jesus! Oh the blood of Jesus! He makes me white as snow.
So get your eyes off from your problems and look to others and your problems will look small and you can go out and do what Jesus, has in store for you. Faith equals action and actions will bring blessings and you will be blessed to be a blessing.
Jesus, is watching you and his eyes are upon us. Go out and do something, it takes action to get his attention. It takes faith to please him. Help someone and something nice will happen to you. Go out and pray for somebody and be a blessing to someone.
Jesus, is passing by and go and touch the Hem of His Garment to be made Whole. Reach out in faith right where you are standing and say out loud, if I can only touch the hem of His garment I will be made whole. Jesus, will say, thy faith has made you whole. Go out and pray for someone else so they may be made whole. That is what Jesus, gives to us. To lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Oh Lord! You are so beautiful, when your eyes are on us, your grace abounds in me.
All it takes is faith and do not doubt in your heart, and you shall have what you ask for. He is the rewarder who dilligently, seeks thee. What can make me whole again, nothing but the blood of Jesus! Oh the blood of Jesus! He makes me white as snow.
So get your eyes off from your problems and look to others and your problems will look small and you can go out and do what Jesus, has in store for you. Faith equals action and actions will bring blessings and you will be blessed to be a blessing.